The Secret to Building Bigger Arms For Hardgainers

There is little room for doubt that building arms is a primary objective of the majority of bodybuilders and committed weight lifters. Most men are interested in developing tricep and bicep muscles that bulge in their sleeves. In fact, whenever you request to examine a person's muscles, what is their reaction likely to be? Of course, they will predictably commence forceful arm flexing. Interestingly, though, building arms might indeed be everyone's ultimate objective, but it is also one of the most difficult goals to reach, aside from achieving sculpted abs. Anyone wishing for bigger arms, but who has yet to succeed on achieving that goal, should follow the tips below to finally make progress and see true increases in size.

Align your priorities:

A common error among those attempting to bulk up a certain muscle system is that they have misplaced priorities. Upon arrival at the gym, we tend to be at our most energetic, with the best ability to exert great effort. Thus, the muscles we work with first will receive the majority of our initiative. Therefore, when you get to the gym, rather than instantly starting chest or back work, make it a point to begin focused work on triceps or biceps on occasion. In this way, you will be able to achieve greater reps with heavier weights, take shorter breaks between each set, and in the end, work the muscles even harder.

Working biceps too hard and not paying sufficient attention to triceps:

Those attempting to gain arm size make this error most often. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that many simply to not have a good understanding of the topic. Why is it important to pay more attention to the triceps than to the biceps? Triceps comprise roughly 65 percent of arm mass. What are the implications of that fact? Neglecting tricep work will render it extremely difficult to gain arm size.

Excessive Workouts:

It is critical to prevent over training if building arms is a priority. There are two primary causes for over training of the triceps and biceps. First, the majority of individuals do not know that back and chest work also engages the arm muscles. Thus, even when we work the chest and back muscles, we are also engaging the arms, and then we proceed to perform targeted arm work the next time we exercise. In such circumstances, the arms to not receive the rest time they need in order to develop and regenerate. Second, individuals often operate under the erroneous conclusion that if a particular muscle group is weak, it needs additional focus. Under our objectives, such a philosophy simply does not work. Given that information, since the triceps and biceps are thought to be relatively small muscle systems, a single targeted workout each week combined with one workout each for the back and the chest should be more than sufficient.

The appropriate regimens.

Has it been your experience that triceps and biceps do not experience soreness in the aftermath of your exercises? If this is the case, it is possible that you have been committing some simple errors that are easily correctable. In terms of working the biceps, it is not uncommon for individuals to use improper form. The majority of individuals undertake simple barbell curl exercises, but apply a larger amount of momentum than bicep engagement when completing the movement. Many people do this, but there are a couple of ways to be certain that you are properly engaging the bicep muscles:

While standing against the wall and keeping your elbows against the wall, undertake the curl movement. Complete your curls using an Olympic bar, and always keep your elbows in contact with your sides. Target your attention on completing the curls while the arms are at rest on the thighs. Avoid easy curl bars in favor of straight curl bars. Let the weight remain in the lowest position for no less than an entire second prior to beginning a new movement. Let the weight drop gradually.

Should you begin to suspect that the triceps muscles are not being worked hard enough because you never experience soreness, you may want to:

Raise the amount of weight used while maintaining your tally of reps. Perform an additional set. Complete a larger number of reps.


Reduce the break time separating sets.

Unfortunately, several common errors often lead to poor outcomes when we work on building arms. However, all such mistakes are easily corrected. No matter if you have been committing one or several of these errors, working to correct them will help you achieve larger, stronger arms as well as the body shape for which you have longed. It is my hope that your concerns regarding the process of building bigger, stronger arms have been fully addressed. In case they have not, please feel free to leave your feedback and questions below. Enjoy your workouts!

For more bicep workouts for mass, Check out these weight gain tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alain_Gonzalez