Three Rules to Build Arm Muscle Fast

If you want to build arm muscle in a short amount of time we need to be smart about it and use more efficient training methods. These rules should never be broken if you want to build arm muscle in the most efficient way.

Rule 1

Don't Overtrain Your Arm Muscles

The big problem when training your arms is that they are used in many of the other movements in your program, biceps in your back program, triceps in your chest and shoulder movements and your shoulders get destroyed with any upper body movement.

The number 1 rule of training is to provide a stimulus and let the muscle adapt, how long you train or how many exercises you do is not really the point, you simply have to put more load through a muscle than it was used to then you will get a response.

When doing a chest or back movement your triceps and biceps are usually the weakest muscle in the chain and will fatigue before the larger chest and back muscles do. If you are splitting your program you have to keep these things in mind, to build arm muscle you need to let them rest. Many training programs don't do this and repeatedly exhaust the smaller muscles of the arms limiting their development and interfering with the amount of weight they can lift with upper body movements which slows their progress.

Rule 2

Increase Your Load

Many guys I know with big arms rarely even train their arms specifically.

They know that is their biceps and triceps are fatigued that they wont be able to lift as much when it comes to doing real exercises for the upper body. The whole point of training to build muscle is to put more load through the muscles progressively and allowing them to adapt.

The compound exercises for the chest and back are much stronger movements and allow you to lift much more weight through the muscles of your body. They also work your arm muscles effectively and will help to build arm muscle.

Isolation exercises for the arms don't allow you to lift much weight and need to take a back seat to the bigger exercises that you can lift more resistance with.

Rule 3

Control the Muscle

I see this done wrong all the time, how often to you see someone doing bicep curls while barely even moving at their elbow? Its common with tricep exercises too, if you are going to isolate the muscles of the arm you have to control the muscles.

The main muscles of the arm control the extension (triceps) and flexion (biceps) of your elbow. When you do an exercise for these muscles you must limit any other movement that allows you to move the weight without this happening. For the bicep curl its usually swinging the body forward and back or moving the elbows away from the body to get more movement without using the biceps effectively.

Slow down and control the muscle you are trying to train.

Rule 4


For any training program you need to use variety, sticking to the same exercise and loads is a waste of your time and effort. Change your exercises, and other training variables like sets and reps regularly to keep the results coming.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brett_C_MacPherson