How to Get Arm Muscles Without Overtraining

If you want to know how to get arm muscles that are really impressive, it's not necessary to focus too much on doing bicep curls and triceps extensions for that purpose. That is not to say that these exercises will not help to build muscle, but that they are probably not that helpful. In some cases, they may provide overtraining to the arm muscles which can actually cause deterioration of the muscles. Don't forget that these arm muscles get workouts whenever you do other exercises that involve use of the arms, which are in fact almost all exercises. Think about how to get arm muscles fast for a moment. You can't do bench presses, bent over rows, chin ups, or pull downs without stressing the muscles of the arms.

When you perform exercises specifically to target the biceps, triceps, and forearms, your arms get a lot of extra exercise. This means that they are not getting enough time to rest, repair, and grow. If your exercise routine includes weight lifting, pushing exercises, bench presses, and shoulder presses, it's simply foolhardy, not to mention unnecessary, to add additional tricep exercises. Your triceps will have already received a perfectly good workout from being a player in the other pushing exercises.

When you do pulling exercises, on the other hand, like rows and chin ups, your biceps will have already received a great deal of exercise. You'll feel it in your arms when you finish these exercises. If you feel the stress in your arms, it should be obvious that the arms have been getting a workout even though they haven't been the target of the exercise. If you really feel it's important, it might be OK to include a couple of sets of close grip bench presses for the triceps and a couple of curls for the biceps, but no more. Those that know how to get arm muscles that are impressive, know that additional exercise isn't always necessary.

If your arm muscles don't seem to be improving at the rate that you'd expect, perhaps you're guilty of overstressing them. Perhaps you're using too much weight in your other exercises. If you are, your arms will fail before the other muscles to which the exercises are directed. In a nutshell, you are not going to get big muscular arms by too much exercising, but by exercising moderately with the proper weights and frequency.

The arm muscles are, unfortunately, the ones that are most easily noticed as a sign of physical fitness. It's not unexpected that bodybuilders wish to learn how to get arm muscles built up quickly to advertise their physical fitness. Rushing it with unneeded exercises, however, will only be self-defeating. Don't succumb to the temptation to over train these muscles. Let them develop over the natural course of events through your total exercise regimen. Don't focus exclusively on the arm muscles to their detriment.

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