Nutrition For Building Muscle - Gain Muscle Fast With These Tips About Nutrition For Building Muscle

Though many people train hard, most of them have no idea how to eat to gain muscle! Nutrition for building muscle is the most important part of getting bigger. You will never gain an ounce of muscle without the right food.

This article will explain the best strategies for nutrition for building muscle. At the end of the article, discover the best, most proven system for gaining muscle fast, and learn how you can build up to 40 pounds in just 6 months.

Protein First

The most important nutrition in your nutrition for building muscle plan is protein. Protein is what your body primarily uses as the building blocks of new muscle tissue, so you need a ton of it! Aim to get around 2 grams per pound of body weight every day. This means that a 160 pound man needs 320 grams.

This protein should come from lean, complete sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy. Nutrition for building muscle involves lots of animal products! Sorry vegetarians, but meat eaters rule the muscle building world.

Complex Carbs For Energy

Carbs are not evil, nor are they the end-all, be-all nutrient. They are simply a good source of energy for nutrition for building muscle, and they will help you train hard every time you are in the weight room.

You should focus on getting carbs from complex sources such as whole grains, breads, potatoes, and some other vegetables. To best use the energy from carbs, eat them at the beginning of the day and before and after your workout.

Don't Avoid Fat!

It's time to stop associating dietary fat with body fat. Certain fats are essential for nutrition for building muscle. They help proper hormone function (especially testosterone!), they lubricate your joints, and they taste great.

Get your fats primarily from healthy sources such as fish, eggs, nuts, oils, and red meats. Some saturated fat is actually okay, as well. Just make sure to get an even balance of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Follow A Proven Muscle Building System!

You can try to piece together all of the best advice on nutrition for building muscle, weight training, nutrition, and supplementation, but you will never gain an ounce if you don't follow a comprehensive muscle-building plan. You need to learn how to train for maximal strength gains, how to eat to gain quality muscle weight, and what supplements are worth your money.

Check out the best, most proven muscle building system, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds of muscle in 6months at IntelligentMuscleBuilding.com. Don't get stuck spinning your wheels and frustrating yourself for years with trial and error methods. Build muscle and get the body you want!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_J._Washington